As you maybe aware there are some changes coming in regards to Sex Relationship Education and this will have a direct impact on our children.
Off The Street has taken the decision to make the community aware of the consultation and encourage all parents to take part in this survey with the deadline closing on Monday 12 February at 11.45pm.
Below is a summary of what has been happening:
1. In 2017 the Government passed The Children and Social Work Act 2017.
2. The Act made Relationship Education (RE) a mandatory school subject in all primary schools for children between 5 and 11. This would be compulsory with no parental right of withdrawal and will apply to all schools: state and independent, faith and secular.
3. The Act also made Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) a necessary subject in all secondary schools with a right of parental withdrawal for the sex education unit.
4. This legislation applies to England only and will come into effect in Sept 2019.
5. On 19 December 2017 the Government launched a consultation on what should be taught in these new compulsory subjects.
1. All concerned citizens, and especially parents, carers and those working professionally in schools are encouraged to take part in this consultation.
2. This consultation closes at 11.45 pm on 12 February 2018
3. Link to online feedback
4. If you need help, see these links for sample answers
For more details on the topic, please attend the following event:
Urgent Public Meeting on the Future of SRE in Schools
Saturday 10 February 2018
After Isha Salaat – 7.30pm
Venue: Seven Kings Masjid, 645 High Road, Ilford, IG3 8RG
Facilities for both male and females