The Community Ice Skating trip on the bank holiday Monday was an overwhelming success with approximately 65 children, between the ages of 7-16 years old, enjoying a great time on the ice.

Some taking to the ice as naturals, others trying to find their feet, while some even managed an amusing pirouette before coming to an abrupt halt.

Some parents even took to the ice and made the whole experience an enjoyable one leaving some of the children wanting to go again and others even going back during the week with their parents.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents who assisted in transporting the children to Lee Valley Ice Rink and the volunteers for taking the time to ensure the whole day ran smoothly.

We look forward to holding more activity fun day in the future and if you have any suggestions, please send them in below:

[contact-form-7 id=”271″ title=”Suggestions”]

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