The Archery Workshop which took place on Wednesday 29th July was an overwhelming success with over 50 kids participating, unfortunately many children were turned away at the door for which we apologise. We will be hosting a number of events and we hope to see you at some or all our other events taking place during the summer holiday period.
The kids enjoyed a master class in discipline, concentration and skill. Learning to control the arrows aiming to hit the target and being rewarded with a marshmallow! During the workshop the children became more confident in hitting the target and were walking away with up to 5 marshmallows with the closest to the target receiving bag of marshmallows all to themselves.
A special thanks goes to the instructor, Abu Aadam for leading this workshop and making it such an enjoyable session for those were able to attend.
If you missed out, do not worry! There are plenty of events planned during the holiday period. Why not check out the events that are planned for the rest of the summer by visiting the events calendar.